Monday, September 28, 2020

Why You Need Estate Planning Now!

Estate Planning is part of life planning. This is the period when you create a strategy ahead of time on one's possible demise leaving behind a legacy that could has bear fruit and will be picked up by the loved ones (heirs) of the estate.

What is an Estate?

An estate may composed of land (lot with improvements such as buildings, homes, farm, etc), personal belongings (e.g.s.  jewelries, fine arts, cars or antiques) or possessions with financial or monetary value such as money deposited on bank,s stocks from listed companies or shares from non-listed companies or corporations the decedent owns when they were still alive.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Technical Descriptions of TCT: How this is important and vital on your Real Estate Transaction

"Surveying is an art of determining the position of points on or near the earth's surface by the elements in space, namely, distance, direction and elevation. It is also a science and art of determining the area and configuration of portions of the surface and representing them on maps."

In every Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT), the property's technical descriptions helps the geodetic engineer / land surveyor, real estate appraiser or even the eal estate broker in determining the correct metes and bounds of the property. It will give the reader a guide or clue on the right area or dimension of the subject property in question. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Philippine Economy and the "New Normal"

I have not been writing for the past few months and have been busy from other things that could detoxify and  destress myself  from this pandemic brought about by COVID-19 that has been trending with almost millions all over the globe were infected with this novel (new) virus. It not only affected production from manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, and services but including private and public sector.