"Surveying is an art of determining the position of points on or near the earth's surface by the elements in space, namely, distance, direction and elevation. It is also a science and art of determining the area and configuration of portions of the surface and representing them on maps."
Most titles came from a Original Certificate of Titles (OCTs) or mother title which were based on the Spanish titling system and later adapted by Bureau of Lands during the American occupation / colonial period using Torrens System. Tracing back the title is also necessary if it entails further investigation on the said TCT which is done by a licensed real estate broker to verify its authenticity.
An experienced geodetic engineer can help a client on the process of determining the boundaries by using the three widely used methods of survey. The original survey, subdivision survey or relocation / verification survey on the subject property.
Original survey is the survey executed on a parcel of land to determine the technical descriptions that will define the extent of ownership of the land. This are already available records done by surveyors during the Spanish and American regimes and the records are available in Land Registration Authority (LRA) if they still exists.
Subdivision survey are a kind of survey wherein a particular subject lot is subdivided into smaller parcels of the number of which may be determined by the owner, geodetic engineer or designer.
Relocation / Verification is a process undertaken to re-establish boundaries and verify if existing location of the property overlaps to adjoining lots.
Discrepancies in the tying the lines could lead to disastrous consequences from again cost of hiring another surveyor to make necessary correction to reprocessing of the corrected TCTs to Register of Deeds. This will take some time and a little bit of your funds but having a bit of the technical knowledge could relieve you of hassles that can be prevented in the future transaction for those selling their properties (land owner).
A real estate professional such as real estate brokers do their title and document verification, handling and investigation of the subject properties while real estate appraisers use the verified survey in determination of market values and prices for real properties for sale. Real estate assessors on the other hand use this for taxation purposes.
Need help with your property verification and investigation? Visit our website at www.cfbaluyutrealty.com.
About the Writer
CRB Benedict Baluyut is a professional real estate broker, real estate appraiser and associate of C. F. Baluyut Realty. He is currently the Vice President for External Affairs, Real Estate Brokers Association of the Philippines, Inc. (REBAP) - Pampanga Chapter. You can get in touch with him at https://www.cfbaluyutrealty.com.
Comprehensive Real Estate Service and Review Handbook / Reviewer - REBAP (2015)
The Surveying Handbook - Brincker, R. & Minnick, R. (2nd Ed., 1995)